Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
January 19, 2025
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Cor. 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
Eternal God, we bow today and ask that you would replenish our spirits.
If we have come this day in dullness or fatigue make music in our souls.
If we have come disconsolate lift our spirits.
If we have come with few expectations shake us and surprise us until there are hallelujahs and praise coming from the depths of our being.
If we have come as Jeremiah with lack of confidence and resistance bolster our spirits.
We thank you for Jeremiah’s words and for the richness of the biblical heritage with its reminders of the potential we hold within us. May we not try to opt out or excuse ourselves from service because we feel inadequate did Jeremiah. May we not try to opt out of the responsibilities of our call because of difficulty. Instead, lead us onward and cause us to grow and to reach for gains not yet realized. We thank you for the reminders that our lives are intended for rich community, fellowship, and for challenges which sometimes look too great to commence. We ask for your continued strength as we reach for a greater mastery of life.
When we are timid give us courage.
When we are anxious give us peace.
When we falter gently nudge us to continue.
When are offended enable us to forgive.
When we are discouraged uplift our spirits and enable us to claim the victorious spirit of the faithful.
Be with those undergoing difficulty coping with life just now, especially those who might be experiencing a dark night of the soul and those who have undergone disappointment. Give them strength. Amen
January 19, 2025
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Cor. 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
Eternal God, we bow today and ask that you would replenish our spirits.
If we have come this day in dullness or fatigue make music in our souls.
If we have come disconsolate lift our spirits.
If we have come with few expectations shake us and surprise us until there are hallelujahs and praise coming from the depths of our being.
If we have come as Jeremiah with lack of confidence and resistance bolster our spirits.
We thank you for Jeremiah’s words and for the richness of the biblical heritage with its reminders of the potential we hold within us. May we not try to opt out or excuse ourselves from service because we feel inadequate did Jeremiah. May we not try to opt out of the responsibilities of our call because of difficulty. Instead, lead us onward and cause us to grow and to reach for gains not yet realized. We thank you for the reminders that our lives are intended for rich community, fellowship, and for challenges which sometimes look too great to commence. We ask for your continued strength as we reach for a greater mastery of life.
When we are timid give us courage.
When we are anxious give us peace.
When we falter gently nudge us to continue.
When are offended enable us to forgive.
When we are discouraged uplift our spirits and enable us to claim the victorious spirit of the faithful.
Be with those undergoing difficulty coping with life just now, especially those who might be experiencing a dark night of the soul and those who have undergone disappointment. Give them strength. Amen