Second Sunday after the Epiphany
January 5, 2025
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 36:5-10
1 Cor. 12:1-11
John 2:1-11
Eternal God of the ages, we would bow as empty vessels waiting to be filled but our minds and souls are busy with many things which impede our being filled by you. We become preoccupied with our worries.
We worry about our children.
We worry about our personal finances.
We worry about how well we will perform our duties.
We worry about our health.
We worry about terror in our world.
We worry about war.
Help us to divest ourselves of the cares and troubles which so daily beset us. Empty us of them now that we may be filled.
May we be filled with a sense of your presence.
May we be filled with the touch of your spirit.
May we be filled with new energy.
May we be filled with your power.
May we be filled with trust and faith.
Empower us as we worship here and then enable us to impact your world for Jesus. Change the stagnant water of our lives to wine and touch us as you touched those people in Cana.
Do be with our men and women in harms way and all those touched by the tragedy of war. Give them strength for each day as daily they must live with terror. Give to the leaders of our world the resolve to wage war not on people but on poverty, injustice, hunger, disease, and all manner of human suffering. Give them the vision to shape a new world where self-interest is tempered and corrected by love and compassion and a hunger for justice. Give to all the world the gift of being filled with new wine and new vision. Amen
January 5, 2025
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 36:5-10
1 Cor. 12:1-11
John 2:1-11
Eternal God of the ages, we would bow as empty vessels waiting to be filled but our minds and souls are busy with many things which impede our being filled by you. We become preoccupied with our worries.
We worry about our children.
We worry about our personal finances.
We worry about how well we will perform our duties.
We worry about our health.
We worry about terror in our world.
We worry about war.
Help us to divest ourselves of the cares and troubles which so daily beset us. Empty us of them now that we may be filled.
May we be filled with a sense of your presence.
May we be filled with the touch of your spirit.
May we be filled with new energy.
May we be filled with your power.
May we be filled with trust and faith.
Empower us as we worship here and then enable us to impact your world for Jesus. Change the stagnant water of our lives to wine and touch us as you touched those people in Cana.
Do be with our men and women in harms way and all those touched by the tragedy of war. Give them strength for each day as daily they must live with terror. Give to the leaders of our world the resolve to wage war not on people but on poverty, injustice, hunger, disease, and all manner of human suffering. Give them the vision to shape a new world where self-interest is tempered and corrected by love and compassion and a hunger for justice. Give to all the world the gift of being filled with new wine and new vision. Amen