Proper 19 (24)
September 15, 2024
Proverbs 1:20-33 or Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 19 (optionally with Wisdom of Solomon 7:26-8:1) or Psalm 116:1-9
James 3:1-12
Mark 8:27-38
Eternal God, we bow today with a mixture of emotions. We have heard a lesson today which involves both a confession and hard command to deny oneself. We are numbered with all those through the ages who have responded to Jesus’ question about who he was. We become uncomfortable as we struggle for our answers.
We become uncomfortable because the answer is more about us than you.
We become uncomfortable because we so often struggle for neat, tidy answers and try to pin things down in our understanding.
We become uncomfortable because we struggle with the implications of truth in a world where there is so much falsehood and spin.
We become uncomfortable because we know our answer involves us in a driving and lifelong commitment.
O God, lead us to confession and commitment and be with us in our struggles. Help us to make some progress with the hard notion of denying ourselves and losing ourselves in bearing the cross of Jesus. Give to us a real sense of how great the cause of Jesus is.
We are in an uphill battle because our culture bombards us with contrary messages. We often succumb to seductive appeals for self improvement with emphasis on “self.” We often succumb to the indulgent appeal to consumption. We struggle with our self worth.
O God, give us courage and help us to know that we find ourselves when we are found by your grace and give ourselves to a quest which is eternal. Give us the courage and the will to give ourselves to others and to your service.
Lead us to confession and to commitment. Amen
September 15, 2024
Proverbs 1:20-33 or Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 19 (optionally with Wisdom of Solomon 7:26-8:1) or Psalm 116:1-9
James 3:1-12
Mark 8:27-38
Eternal God, we bow today with a mixture of emotions. We have heard a lesson today which involves both a confession and hard command to deny oneself. We are numbered with all those through the ages who have responded to Jesus’ question about who he was. We become uncomfortable as we struggle for our answers.
We become uncomfortable because the answer is more about us than you.
We become uncomfortable because we so often struggle for neat, tidy answers and try to pin things down in our understanding.
We become uncomfortable because we struggle with the implications of truth in a world where there is so much falsehood and spin.
We become uncomfortable because we know our answer involves us in a driving and lifelong commitment.
O God, lead us to confession and commitment and be with us in our struggles. Help us to make some progress with the hard notion of denying ourselves and losing ourselves in bearing the cross of Jesus. Give to us a real sense of how great the cause of Jesus is.
We are in an uphill battle because our culture bombards us with contrary messages. We often succumb to seductive appeals for self improvement with emphasis on “self.” We often succumb to the indulgent appeal to consumption. We struggle with our self worth.
O God, give us courage and help us to know that we find ourselves when we are found by your grace and give ourselves to a quest which is eternal. Give us the courage and the will to give ourselves to others and to your service.
Lead us to confession and to commitment. Amen